Thursday, September 9, 2010

The seed bank and tree plantation project

This year our Conservation Officers initiated seed banks in some villages (see our Quarterly Report). One such seed bank is in Sawra, the village near Pench TR that I visit regularly. The hub of most progressive activity in the village is the government school, thanks to an admirable set of teachers and headmaster who team up with us to bring about positive and "green" change in the village.

Saplings were grown from the collected seeds by the school children, under the supervision of the teachers.

Above: Student Sailesh and SF's Anoop Awasthi show me the saplings

Above: Sailesh poses with a "bel" (wood-apple) sapling gifted to me by the school. Bel fruit juice is one of the most refreshing drinks one can have in summer, and it has many medicinal properties.

Above, below: Saplings were not randomly distributed but given only to villagers who were willing to look after them properly. A wise policy that has led to high survival rate of the plants this year. They have been fenced for their protection from grazing animals.

Photos: Rajashree Khalap
Sawra, Pench TR

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