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Amajhiri - Students learn about nature through a game |
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Awarghani - Sanjay at his new job in Village Machan Resort |
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Chirrewani - Loose boulder-based water and soil conservation structure repaired |
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Durgapur - Children collect seeds for planting during the monsoon |
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Potiya - Village children on a nature trail |
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Turiya - Mango pickles made by Shristi Self-Help Group, which was started and is mentored by us |
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Turiya - SHG meeting organised by us to discuss new ideas |
Conservation Officer – Sumit Kumar Kar
Field Assistant – Niranjan Hinge (Turia cluster)
Field Assistant– Kamlesh Pawar (Khamarpani cluster)
Major highlights of the month
- · Voluntary
work activities on soil and water conservation
- · Biological
Diversity Day celebration on 22nd May
- · Two nature
- · Birdbath
preparation and installation
- · Seed
collection and nursery preparation
- · Anti-plastic
drive at Satosha
- · Two livelihood-related meetingsSHG meetings at Turiya and Kundai
(See Table 1)
On May 24, Kamlesh assembled a group of volunteers at
Chirrewani to repair a loose boulder-based soil and water conservation
structure around village farms. Such structures help in conservation of soil by
preventing soil erosion and also help to arrest water runoff. Kamlesh had earlier
explained to villagers the concept of water management; how such structures
help in soil and water management and the need for their maintenance. With
monsoon rains due soon, proper maintenance of water and soil
conservation structures could help in maintaining fertility of the soil and
ensuring adequate water availability.
On May 5, Niranjan assembled a group of volunteers to
construct a soak pit for percolation of waste water from a hand pump. Niranjan
had earlier explained to the villagers the concept of waste water management
and augmentation of ground water resources by proper recharge though soak pits and other structures.
are the source of regeneration for the forest. They are the means through which
trees pass on their genetic information. During the month of May, Niranjan
organised wild seed collection with children of buffer zone villages. The
objective of the activity was to familiarise children with the shape, size and
appearance of various types of seeds such as mahua (Madhuca longifolia) found
in the forest, and create a nursery by planting the collected seeds. The saplings generated would be used for plantation during the monsoon.
The International Day for Biological Diversity is celebrated
across the globe on 22nd May to increase awareness and understanding of
biodiversity issues. Satpuda Foundation celebrated this occasion by organising awareness
sessions for young students. Niranjan arranged an education session at Durgapur
village to celebrate the occasion.
Water scarcity during summer can led to avian (bird) mortality. In
order to involve students in the conservation of avifauna, our team organised the
making of bird baths in villages of the buffer region. During the month of May,
Niranjan and Kamlesh held activities in various villages to install bird baths
with the help of students and villagers. The bird baths were installed by the
students. The students also volunteered to regularly fill up the bird baths
during the summer.
The abundance of cow dung in rural India is tapped via biogas
plants to convert the organic material into biogas which mainly consists of
methane. Biogas is a sustainable form of energy used mainly for
cooking, reducing the need for fire wood and thereby reducing pressure on
forests. Biogas is produced from slurry of cow dung through anaerobic decomposition.
Various biogas plants have been constructed in the past by government and
private entities but, due to poor maintenance, many have been abandoned. Satpuda
Foundation has been undertaking repair activities of faulty biogas production
units and stoves and restoring them. During May, Niranjan repaired two units at
Turiya village.
Plastic, due to its non-degradable nature, creates waste
management issues. With availability of plastic packing in numerous daily use products,
the rise of plastic waste is significant. The plastic litter not only makes the
surroundings look dirty, it is often mistaken by herbivores as a food source.
This results in death in some instances due to blockage of the digestive tract.
Plastic waste often finds its way into water and results in water pollution.
Satpuda Foundation regularly organises anti-plastic drives in which volunteers
help in gathering plastic waste and dispose of it properly. Niranjan organised an
anti-plastic drive on May 6 in Satosha village near the primary school
In May, Niranjan organised two nature trails for students of
Aamajhiri and Potiya. During the nature trails, Niranjan spoke about the
various birds found in the vicinity of the villages and their role in the ecosystem.
Both nature trails were along water bodies, providing opportunities for
spotting various water birds. Niranjan also explained the role of water
An awareness program on forest fires was organised by
Niranjan at Durgapur village. The agenda of the meeting was to increase
awareness on the various causes of forest fires and their impact. Various
measures to prevent such fires were discussed and volunteer groups to fight
forest fires were formed to help the Forest Department.
Environment Education
Kamlesh organised an environment awareness session for
school students at a coaching center in Khamarpani on 18th May in which 16
students participated.
Nature games (Table 2)
Nature games are useful as they impart important
conservation-related messages through interesting and simple games. They are
more interactive than traditional lectures and are more effective in capturing
the attention of young minds. During May, two such nature games were organised.
Employment Cell (Table 3)
Satpuda Foundation has been assisting local young villagers in
obtaining employment by connecting them with potential recruiters. During May,
a young villager from Khamba village was placed at the Village Machan Resort in
the utility department with our assistance.
Sanjay Modabi at his new job in
Village Machan Resorts
Employment meetings (Table 4)
One of the Foundation’s activities related to employment is
supporting women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in starting and sustaining new
ventures which can give them adequate financial returns. During the month of
May, three SHG meetings were organised in which ideas to generate revenue for
the groups were discussed, and progress made since previous meetings was reviewed. One of the SHGs has started mango pickle production for sale in local
markets. Satpuda Foundation has been assisting in better marketing of the
product and in quality control.
During the month of May, two employment-related meetings
were organised in Turiya and Khamarpani clusters. The objective of the meetings
was to increase awareness of various skill-development programs of the
government as well as local employment opportunities.
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