Team: Amit Awasthi – Conservation
Niranjan Hinge – Field
- Organised voluntary
work project to clean water tank in Satosha village
- Repaired 2
biogas units in Aamajhiri and Potiya villages
- Organised voluntary
work project to prepare compost tank in Telia village
- 5 awareness programmes on forest fire
- Celebrated Vishwa
Vasundhara Divas in buffer villages at Potiya village
- Installed water
pots for birds in Potiya and Durgapur village
- 6 classroom
education lectures organised - 150 students attended
- 7 film shows on nature and wildlife – attended by 287
- 2 nature trails
for school children – attended by 37 students
- Organised 6
medical camps, 139 patients treated
- Assisted 1
unemployed youth in getting a job
- Assisted two women self help groups (SHGs) to connect with National Rural Livelihood Mission
On April 27, Niranjan Hinge along with 12 villagers of Durgapur village cleaned a water tank near a hand pump through a voluntary work project. During the summer season, water scarcity for cattle makes cattle wander near the forest area in search of water. There is a high risk of the cattle being killed by carnivores like tigers or leopards leading to human-wildlife conflict.
Diseases can also be transmitted from the domestic cattle to the wild herbivore species. Niranjan encouraged the villagers to clean the water tank near a hand pump inside the village so that the cattle do not have to venture close to the forest area.
On April 12 Niranjan Hinge repaired a faulty biogas unit in Potiya village. Biogas helps reduce villagers’ dependence on firewood from forest areas. Biogas stoves also emit less smoke than firewood and are therefore healthier for the villagers.
Niranjan repaired another biogas unit in Aamajhiri village on April 29.
On April 23, Niranjan and 2 volunteers from Telia prepared a compost pit in the backyard of Mahesh Raut. The organic waste from the farm was used along with cow dung and kitchen manure to fill the compost pit. The compost will be ready to use in around 3 months.Niranjan explained to Raut that using organic compost will help improve the soil quality and also save him money which he would have spent in buying chemical-based fertilisers.
In April, our team organised awareness programmes on forest fires in Durgapur, Telia, Khamrith, Doodhgaon and Kundai. Fires are a recurring hazard during summer. Sometimes, villagers start fires as they believe that tendu leaves sprout better after burning. Collection of tendu leaves takes place during April. In our awareness programmes, we explained the dangers that such fires cause to the forest and to wildlife and how they could harm villages if they blazed out of control.
On April 22, Niranjan celebrated Vishwa Vasundhara Divas by organising a nature trail and installing water pots for birds in Potiya village. Niranjan took 16 children on a nature trail near their village. During the nature trail, Niranjan taught the children how to identify pugmarks and hoofmarks of wild animals. The children were amazed to know that many wild animals venture near their village farms. During the nature trail, the children were able to spot various birds like drongo, bay-backed shrike, shikra and spotted owlets. Niranjan also provided information on the flora of Pench to the children.
Later, Niranjan along with these children installed water pots for birds at various locations in their village.
On April 12, Niranjan along with 8 children of Durgapur village installed artificial water pots in their village for birds during the summer season. Niranjan encouraged the children to regularly fill up the water pots with water so that the birds can drink water during the dry summer season.
Immediately after the pots were installed, the kids were able to spot various birds like bulbuls, sunbirds, shrikes, sparrows, and magpie-robins at the water pots.I
n April, we organised 2 nature trails for the children of Ambadi and Potiya villages. On the trails, our staff spoke to the children about the various plants and common medicinal uses of those plants. They were also taught how to spot and identify birds. The importance of birds in nature also explained to the children. A total of 37 children participated in the programmes.
Environmental Education Programme
There were 6 environment education programmes in classrooms during April.
Education Van Programme
Employment Cell
We helped one youth get a job in April.
In April, our team
assisted 15 women in re-activating Srushti women’s self help group. The group
was also registered in National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) through which it
received a start-up revolving fund of 15,000/- rupees. The group will be able
to utilise the funds to start a micro or small scale enterprise. The group was
also provided documents pertaining to book keeping and accounting from the
Zilla Panchayat, Seoni.
Mrs Abida Bi,
Project co-ordinator, NRLM, Kurai block, spoke with the members in this regard
and provided more information regarding various schemes.
Our staff assisted
12 women of Turiya village to form a new self help group. The new group is
named Roshni Self Help Group. Our staff also assisted this group to register
with NRLM.
Mobile Health Service (MHS)
We held 6 medical camps in April, in which 165
patients were treated free of cost.
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