Cleaning a waterhole in the park with help from village volunteers |
Forest patrol with villagers |
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Compost pit being dug at Bagadband |
Meeting with Womens' SHG at Jindatola to discuss livelihood options |
Kodebarra - meeting to discuss fisheries as a livelihood |
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Kurhadi - students display seeds they have collected for plantation |
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Mangezari - villagers and government officials discuss livelihood options |
Dr Zanzal examines a patient at our Pitezari medical camp |
Mukund Dhurve - Asst.
Conservation Officer
Jivraj Salam
Field assistant
Tekam - Field assistant
5 community assistance programmes to clean
area next to hand pumps/wells
5 anti-plastic programmes
3 waterholes cleaned
Organised 6 medical camps in which 232
patients got free treatment
Organised 2 VEDC meetings
Organised 2 classroom environment education
programmes - 217 students present
Organised 7 film shows for 436 students
Celebrated World Environment Day with 37 VEDC members and villagers
workshop on fisheries for the villagers of Mangezari, Kodebarra, Jindatola, and
Built 9 compost pits
Our team organised
5 community assistance programmes in June 3, 8, 11, 12 and 14, to clear areas
around hand pumps/wells at Bodalkasa, Bhajepar, Chorkhamara, Asalpani and
Sodlagondi. Unemployed young villagers from Mangezari participated in all programmes, which were led by Mukund and Jivraj. Details of the programmes are given in the
table above.
Water had spilled over while people drew from the hand pumps
and had stagnated, leading to proliferation of mosquitoes and insects. Our
teams cleared the area, removing scum and organic growth and dug canals to
drain away the water. Our team joined the Forest Department in day and night patrols
in Compartment no. 112, 109 and 94 and on the road linking Mangezari to Jindatola.
Besides our staff, volunteers from a youth club at Mangezari also joined in the
patrols. The youth club was set up with our assistance and is mentored by our
Conservation Officer Mukund Dhurve.
Our team joined the Forest Department in day and night patrols
in Compartment no. 112, 109 and 94 and on the road linking Mangezari to Jindatola.
Besides our staff, volunteers from a youth club at Mangezari also joined in the
patrols. The youth club was set up with our assistance and is mentored by our
Conservation Officer Mukund Dhurve.
During the month, our team organised 5 anti-plastic programmes to clean
polythene/plastic litter from villages. The programmes were organised on June 3,
8, 11, 12 and 14 at Bodalkasa, Bhajepar, Chorkhamara,
Asalpani and Sodlagondi villages respectively.
Mukund and Jivraj organised the programmes which were
attended by villagers and village eco-development committee (VEDC) members. The
plastic litter has been kept in our Mangezari office and will be sent to Tiroda
for recycling.
The Government of Maharashtra has issued the buffer zone
notification for the Navegaon-Nagzira Tiger Reserve. Following this, doubts
have sprung up in the minds of villagers as to how they will be affected by the
notification. Due to the doubts, some villagers are opposing the notification.
To clear these doubts and misgivings, we organised 2 awareness programmes
during June in
Balapur and Thadezari.
On June 5, we celebrated World Environment Day at Mangezari
in a programme which involved local staff of the Forest Department and 26
villagers. During the programme, we spoke to the villagers about the
environment, impact to humans from environmental degradation and the need for
On June 23, we organised a workshop at Kodebarra on fisheries in which Government officials gave information about various state schemes to
promote fisheries in villages. Mr. Shahare, from the Fisheries Department,
attended the programme in which 13 villagers of Mangezari, Jindatola, Kodebarra
and Govindtola were present.
During the month, we assisted villagers in building 9
compost pits at Bagadband and Asalpani as part of our ongoing programme to
promote organic farming and reduce the use of chemical-based fertilizers in
areas adjoining forests.
Environment Education
There were 2 classroom
programmes on environment education in June.
Education van
There were 6 film shows in June.
On June 28,
on a request from Divisional Forest Officer (Territorial) Mr Yuvraj, we organised
an awareness programme on snakes, snake-bite prevention and treatment on the occasion
of Vriksh Dindi programme organised by Maharashtra Forest Department and Green
Earth Organisation at Chichgarh. Mukund Dhurve and Mandar Pingle spoke to
around 350 villagers from nearby villagers. A film show was also organised.
Employment Cell activities
We helped one villager get a job and one villager to set up
a small business in June.
Employment Cell Training activities
We also identified the following candidates for training in different trades under Bank of India’s Star Swayam Rojgar Yojna. They will be sent for training in the coming months.
Mobile Health Service (MHS)
There were 6 health camps in June.